grounded grid 接地柵極,抑制柵極。
接地柵極,抑制柵極。 “grounded“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.有基礎的,根深蒂固的。 2.【電學】接地的 ...“grid“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.格子,格柵。 2.(蓄電池的)鉛板。 3.【無 ...“grounded-grid“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地的“grid grounded circuit“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地電路“grounded grid amplifier“ 中文翻譯: 柵地放大器; 柵極接地放大器接地柵極放大器“grounded grid circuit“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地電路“grounded grid triode“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地三極管“grounded-grid amplifier“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地放大器“grounded-grid triode“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地三極管; 柵極接地式三極管“grounded-grid triode circuit“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地三極電路“grounded-grid triode mixer“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地三極管混合器“grounded-grid-triode circuit“ 中文翻譯: 三極管柵極接地電路; 柵極接地式三極管電路“grounded-grid-triode mixer“ 中文翻譯: 柵極接地式二極管混頻器; 柵極接地式三極管混頻器“self-excited grounded grid oscillator“ 中文翻譯: 柵地自激振蕩器“grounded“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.有基礎的,根深蒂固的。 2.【電學】接地的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “grid“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.格子,格柵。 2.(蓄電池的)鉛板。 3.【無線電】柵級。 4.鐵道網;【電學】電力網;〔英國〕(全國)高壓輸電網,電(視)臺網。 5.〔美俚〕橄欖球場;橄欖球。 6.地圖的坐標方格;(照相排字機的)字格。 7.(烘烤面包等用的)鐵篦子。 “s grid“ 中文翻譯: 韋策爾網格“the grid“ 中文翻譯: 反恐行動“a grounded romance“ 中文翻譯: 香海情潮“directly grounded“ 中文翻譯: 直接接地的“effectively grounded“ 中文翻譯: 有效接地“grounded anode“ 中文翻譯: 接地陽極“grounded ante“ 中文翻譯: 接地天線“grounded antenna“ 中文翻譯: 接地天線。 “grounded attenuator“ 中文翻譯: 接地衰減器
grounded-base transistor |
It creates the model of layer soil by using the cdegs software , analyses the resistance error which is measured by traditional three - poles way , measures the grounding grids resistance and soil resistance rate of hejin power plant , creates the electromagnetic model of layer soil and grounding grids model of hejin power plant , calculates the step voltage > touch voltage n voltage distribution of earth surface in fault of hejin power plant . in the end , it compares the measuring value and calculating value of grounding grids resistance in hejin power plant 本文利用cdegs軟件建立分層土壤接地模型,對傳統三極法測量接地電阻誤差進行分析;對河津電廠接地網接地電阻和土壤電阻率進行測量;建立河津電廠分層土壤電磁模型和接地網模型;計算河津電廠接地網電阻和事故狀態下跨步電壓、接觸電壓和地表電位分布;最后對河津電廠接地網電阻實測值與計算值進行比較分析。 |
The paper recommends that the placement of voltage - electrode is 0 . 509s when the distance from the border of grounding grids to current - electrode is s that is the long border length of grids . ( 3 ) the paper use two - layer theory to describe non - uniform soil . with the different two - layer soil model , some conclusions and formula that have great reference value are presented numerically 綜合各種因素考慮,推薦在距離地網邊緣距離為地網長邊長度s的位置布置電流極,并在0 . 509s布置電壓測量極,在滿足工程精度要求的同時也極大的提高了測量效率。 |
Big separated scales integrating with standing node when do elementary diagnosis is a good method to large - scale grounding grid . the number of the nodes for elementary diagnosis is ten percent of the total grid nodes number . and the erosible grid areas , important electrical equipments areas and the down - leaders areas should be considered enough 初步測量節點數的選擇以接地網節點總節點數的10 %為宜,另應充分考慮接地網可能腐蝕的區域,重要電氣設備區域、接地引下線分布等情況。 |
But how to measure grounding resistance of large grounding grid simply and exactly is a difficult problem to electric power staff all the time . this paper has classified measuring methods of grounding resistance at home and abroad , and has analyzed interference factors during measurement , and has summarized principle and characteristic and measuring current and so on of various measuring methods 本文對國內外現有或正在研究的測量方法進行了分類,分析了測量地網接地電阻干擾的主要來源,并首次全面地對各種方法的原理、特點、測試電流、消除干擾能力和測試結果進行了比較分析、總結歸納,方便后來者研究應用。 |
The resistance between two nodes can be measured accurately and quickly on the nice simulative platform which is established using atpdraw . the parameters of the grounding grid in practice is simulated on this simulative platform , and lots of simulative experiments were done . the method for erosion optimized diagnosis of medium or large - scale grounding grid is concluded : elementary diagnosis integrating with supplementary diagnosis is efficient 利用atpdraw軟件搭建起良好的模擬試驗平臺可以準確快速的計算出接地網任兩節點對間電阻值,在這一平臺上準確模擬實際接地網參數,結合軟件進行了大量模擬試驗,總結出中大型接地網優化診斷方法:采用初步測量與再次補測相結合的方法效率很高;在初步測量時,對中型接地網宜采用大跨距測量法;對大型地網則采用大分塊結合不動點測量的方法效果較好。 |
According to the topology of the substation and resistance measurements of down - leaders , the erosion diagnosis equation is built and the resistance variations of grounding grid branches are solved , and the erosion of grounding grid could be found through the fuzzy diagnosis regulation 利用接地網拓撲結構圖及接地網引下線間的電阻測量值,建立腐蝕診斷方程,通過求解診斷方程,計算出接地網支路電阻值變化量,采用模糊診斷方法判斷出接地網導體腐蝕的情況。 |
After this method is putted into practice , the number that total diagnosis nodes is thirty percent of the total grounding grid nodes . 110kv dianfa , 220 kv youting and 220 kv renhe substation grounding grid erosion optimized diagnosis experiments are done in practice 采用優化的初步測量方法后,整個診斷所需的測量節點對數約為30 % .進行了典發110kv 、郵亭220kv 、人和220kv變電站現場實測。 |
This paper selects dc double - arm bridge , uses the four - port connection to remove the contact and connection resistances and reduce the electromagnetism interfere . grounding grid conductors fault levels are established during a lot of emulational computations , simulative experiments 使用直流雙臂電橋,采用四端鈕連接法,可大大降低現場中電磁干擾及引線電阻和接觸電阻的誤差影響。 |
Based on fault diagnosis theory , network theory , matrix theory and computer arithmetic , a method of optimized erosion diagnosis for medium or large - scale grounding grid is discussed in this paper 本文所研究的中大型接地網腐蝕優化診斷方法是將故障診斷學原理、網絡理論、矩陣理論及計算機算法結合起來,應用于接地網腐蝕診斷這一工程實際問題。 |
It has been studied about the grounding grid erosion diagnosis theory , but a lot of engineering technologies have not been solved on putting the method into practice 一些專家學者對接地網的腐蝕診斷在理論上已有所研究,但診斷方法用于實際工程的一些技術問題還沒有解決。 |
Furthermore , problems easy to make mistake are demonstrated , for instance , grounding resistance of large grounding grid is impedance 研究論證了被一些研究者錯誤理解的關于大型地網接地電阻是阻抗、四極法及其倒相法測量結果為阻抗等問題。 |
As the grounding grid is underground , large - scale digging was adopted to find the erosion in practice all along 由于接地網埋設在地下,以往工程上一般通過大面積開挖檢查接地網的腐蝕情況。 |
Based on vb and matlab , diagnosis software for erosion of grounding grid is coded 采用vb語言和matlab軟件相結合的方法編寫了《接地網腐蝕診斷軟件》 。 |
The grounding grid is vital to the safety of the substation 接地網對保證變電站安全運行至關重要。 |